Sunday, September 6, 2015

August in Review

It is beginning to feel like autumn. Actually I think it has been a cold summer. So what did we did in August?

The big exciting thing that happened in August was I passed my driving test. Did you hear? I passed on my first try. It did involve driving lessons so I would understand unlearn all my American driving habits and learn the things that you need to know to pass the test. I passed. That was on my 2015 list of things to do.

We did go on a hike this month. It was fun to go to a new place. There are so many places nearby where we can go. This time we wandered through the hills and moors.

Another hike/walk. Miss K wore her boots so that counts as our walk for August.

Hospitality - I think this month we might have broken our record of having people over. We had some teammates here for a meeting and I fixed lunch. We had some friends over that same week then a Chinese student and his wife and daughter. That was one week. The next week we had a co-worker and his wife over before they move to London. Oh and we had an American family that recently moved here. I told you it was a busy hospitality month. Let me know if you are in town and you can join us for a meal.

 I found a new recipe that I have made twice now for company. I was getting tired of chicken legs plus J said I always made chicken legs when we have company. This is an easy chicken pasta dish. (I was always to busy with the last minute dinner preparation to take a photo.) Serve it with a salad and maybe a veggie and you have dinner or tea. Don't forget dessert or as it is called here pudding.

We did not have an outing but both of the kids were at activities/camp so that counts.

I did begin a new project -- I guess I should add that to my unfinished projects list. I am beginning a t-shirt quilt for J. It is September. I wonder if I can finish the Jesse tree ornaments that I began about 7 years ago.

I got rid of about two boxes of homeschool things as well as some other things that I have had around the house. I love being able to share with others that can use them. Our church has a great method for sharing things we don't need or asking to borrow something. We have been blessed and bless others through that.

I will confess I have not knitted since January. I probably should get that out and see if I still remember.

What happens in September? What do I have planned and how am I going to be intentional? I am going to work to make lots of memories as mom/grandma will be visiting. Her first trip to visit us.

I did get one project out and begin working on it so I might finish a project. I have a few other things on my brain dump list -- type up some notes so I have them and they are no longer on paper, sort through my paper craft things, and go through my clothing.

We enjoyed soup this evening which makes it feel a bit more autumn like. Butternut soup is a favourite of most of us.

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1 comment:

  1. I'm curious how your church does the sharing/giving away thing. Thanks!



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